A helpful English/Chinese dictionary contains 60,000+ word entries, including words in professional categories. It’s a handy dictionary tool for business, travel and school use.
Two-Way Dictionary Lookup
Display detailed definition, similar words … etc. for English and Chinese with a capacity of 600,000 entries. Select words on the definition screen allows further lookup on the words.
Professional Dictionaries
Dictionaries: Computer, Mechanical, Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Medicine, Law, Financing, Trading and Management are available for translation and dictionary lookup.
Pinyin Expression
Display Pinyin expression for both translation and dictionary lookup features. A great tool for learning Chinese.
Save words to the Bookmark for future review. Bookmark content can be classified and edited. Flash card practice and self test functions are also included in Bookmark.
Simplified/Traditional Chinese Conversion
Easily convert Chinese traditional to simplified and vice versa.
User Dictionary
Define your own words or phrases.
No Internet connection is required.
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